TIPS: Our goods are authentic, 100% handmade, counterfeit must be investigated! Customers, please identify our products!
These wallets have a distinct alligator texture that you'll absolutely love. They're built tough and won't wear out easily. Handcrafted with care, each one's made to last over a decade.
Size(L x W x H): 4.5 in x 3.7 in x 0.8 in
Weight: 70-75g
Color : Shiny Dark Brown.
Each one's cut from different parts, so no two wallets got the same pattern. Might end up with a piece from the back, head, or even the tail. Just adds to the uniqueness.
Here comes our Last Day flash sale! We sell this Alligator pattern mississippiensis Wallet at only $29.98.Act fast before sale ends.
🎁This is a gift for your family, friends, and loved one ...... An expression of friendship, love, and appreciation.
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